Made in Nigeria

A curation of awesome tools and projects built by Nigerian developers.

Featured Projects

Rendering Engine Detection Script for Browsers on Any Device.

This package makes it easy to add early access mode to your existing application.

A simple frontend app starter packed with Webpack, Twitter Bootstrap, and well-defined CSS media queries. Edit.

ImgR.NET aims at automating the process of serving Images dynamically based on the client device.

Fast PHP framework made with very loose optional components.

A Linux Library to explore creating an application that detects available connections at once from WiFi and Bluetooth.

Built by Nigerians, for the Rest of the World.

Experience innovation with a touch of Nigerian excellence rooted in collaboration, community and impact that transcends borders through projects proudly built by Nigerians for the rest of the world.

We're constantly accepting Contributions.

The Made in Nigeria project is built on the back of builders that create and discover these amazing projects. Learn how to submit (your) projects here.

made in nigeria

A curation of awesome open source tools and projects built by Nigerian developers for the rest of the world.


© 2023 Made in Nigeria